Planning for our 2024 winter, spring, and fall residencies has already begun and we are pleased to announce the following dates for ten sessions. Once again, these offerings will be a mix of two-week and four-week programs. Open call applications will take place Jan 15th, May 15th and Sept 15th. Visit our Residencies page for complete information about our residency program.

A group of people looking at photographs on a table

Studio visit with Tielin Ding, Abbott Watts Resident 2022

1/8 – 1/18  (two week)

1/22 – 2/15 (four week) w/Abbott Watts

2/19 – 3/14 (four week)

3/25 – 4/18 – (four week) w/Abbott Watts

4/22 – 5/16 (four week)

5/20 – 5/30 (two week) w/Abbott Watts

8/26 – 9/05 (two week)

9/9 -10/03 (four week) w/Abbott Watts

10/14- 11/07 (four week)

11/11 – 12/5 (four week) w/Abbott Watts